PhD Scholarship Vienna University of Technology in Computational Logic

"Mathematical Logic in Computer Science" which is launched in Fall 2010. five of the positions are reserved for female applicants.
- Logic in Databases,
- Computer Aided Verification,
- Constraint Satisfaction and Satisfiability,
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning,
- Finite Model Theory,
- Quantum Information and Recursion Theory,
- Proof Theory and Automated Deduction,
- Many Valued and Fuzzy Logic,
- Complexity Theory,
- Set Theory.
The program is interdisciplinary and fosters the application of Mathematical Logic to Computer Science; two envisaged key application areas are :
- Model-Based Design and Verification,
- Advanced Information Systems.
The faculty of the program consists of M. Baaz, A. Ciabattoni, T. Eiter (coordinator), M. Goldstern, G. Gottlob (associated), A. Leitsch, R. Pichler, K. Svozil, S. Szeider, H. Veith and S. Woltran.
Candidates must have an MSc or equivalent degree in Computer Science, Mathematics or related fields, and an excellent record of study. They should have solid basic knowledge in logic, discrete mathematics, and computer science; knowledge in fields targeted in the program is desired.
Further details about the program and the application procedure are available at
For additional information, please send email to
Labels: Austria Scholarship, PhD Scholarship 2010, PhD Scholarship 2011