Closing Dates15 October 2010
Amount$20,000 per annum
Tenure3 years
OverviewUniversity of Canterbury Doctoral Scholarships are tenable for study towards the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Canterbury.
To be eligible for a scholarship, an applicant must have met the academic requirements for enrolment in the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Canterbury on 10 December (for those applying by 15 October), or 15 June (for those applying by 15 May) in the year of application.
Students already enrolled for the PhD at the University may apply for a scholarship, although this will normally be considered only for students in their first or second year of study.
Please note that applications forms are only available from approximately 8 weeks ahead of the closing date. For external scholarships, please refer to details on the External Web Site below.
Regulations uc doctoral.pdf [pdf, 67.5 KB]
Application Form uc doctoral appl oct 10.doc [doc, 186.0 KB]
While every effort has been made to ensure the above information is current and correct, applicants are advised to check the application forms and regulations for eligibility criteria, scholarship value and tenure, and closing dates.
Labels: New Zealand Scholarships