Ruhr University of Bochum 12 PhD Grants

Scope of the programme
Information about the research areas at Ruhr-Universität Bochum you will find on the following websites:
Guidelines :
Start of Funding
The earliest start of funding will be March 1st, 2011 .
Target Group
Graduates of all disciplines with a university degree qualifying for doctoral studies.
* we expect your research project to make an important contribution to the corresponding research field (please outline this in a research exposé of 5 pages)
* clearly above average university degree
* uninterrupted studies (in case your total study period took more than 13 semester/ 6,5 years please explain in the application form)
* the start of your doctoral research project should not extend a period of time of 12 months with reference to the application deadline; we concede reasonable exceptions – please explain in the application form
* the university degree qualifying for doctoral studies has to be submitted at the latest until November 10, 2010 before the applications will be given to the faculties for further survey and expertise (Bachelor degree in case of fast track procedure plus information about grades already obtained in the master studies)
* candidates who have to fulfil additional requirements are also allowed to apply for a grant (first supervisor is responsible for compatibility between fulfilment of requirements and successful doctorate)
* candidates with a Bachelor degree involved in the fast track procedure are also allowed to apply for a grant; the official admission to doctoral studies from the faculty has to be submitted before the funding will start
* if you are already accepted as doctoral candidate by one of the faculties of Ruhr-University Bochum please enclose the official letter of acceptance from the faculty to your application
* if you are not accepted as doctoral candidate in one of the faculties of Ruhr-University Bochum we need a confirmation of the faculty that you will be accepted for doctoral studies in case of funding (from the faculty you will realise your research project) when you are invited to the second stage of the admission process
The application form "Grant-Programme" of the Research School has to be used for application. The application form and the corresponding notes for guidance will help you through the application process. The notes for guidance also list all documents you have to submit together with the application form.
Admission process and decision (2 stage process)
* a signed hardcopy of the application form with 2 letters of reference and all necessary documents have to be sent to the Central Coordination Office until October 31, 2010
* on the basis of the application the faculties and rapporteurs will suggest a preliminary ranking of the candidates
* on the basis of this preliminary ranking the Executive Board will invite the best candidates (January 2011) for a research colloquium
* research colloquium and the ensuing choice and recommendation by the rapporteurs will take place on February 7, 2011
* the final decision of the Executive Board will be made on February 9, 2011
Type of funding and amount
The grant amounts to 1.000,- Euro per month, children`s allowance amounts to 100,- Euro per month in addition.
Period of funding and of approval
Max. 36 months of funding are provided, whereas the period of first approval comprises 12 months. We offer 2 times for prolongation – each comprising 12 months - after having reviewed the progress reports.
In case of illness the grant will be paid for further 6 weeks. In case of pregnancy the grant payment will be intermitted for a time period of 14 weeks (6 weeks before and 8 weeks after childbirth). The approval may be extended for this period of time respectively.
Secondary employment
During the funding period a short-time work of max. 6 hours per week is allowed
Duties of the grantee
* participation in the structured doctoral training programme of the Research School, follow the Individual Training and Supervision Plan of the Research School, take actively part in the Research School
* communicate immediately all important changes of the personal conditions as well as interruptions, changes or abandonment of the research project
* adequate use of the grant
For organisational reasons we kindly ask you to send your application documents without any cover or folder. Thank you!
Labels: PhD Scholarship 2010, PhD Scholarship 2011