Switzerland: PhD in Socioeconomic modeling Zurich
Kategori: Beasiswa lowongan kerja bagi mahasiswa program doktor di swiss
PhD position in socioeconomic modeling of farmers' behavior and sustainability assessment of farming strategies
Department of Geography, Chair of Social and Industrial Ecology University of Zurich, Switzerland
Deadline for submissions: October 6st, 2006
Starting date: October 15th or upon agreement
Duration: 3 - 4 years
Beasiswa Indonesia Scholarship International diploma sekolah S1 S2 S3 dalam negeri dan luar negeri.
The division Social and Industrial Ecology at the Department of Geography at the University of Zurich is starting an inter- and transdisciplinary research project entitled "Reducing human health and environmental risks from pesticide use: Integrating decision-making with spatial risk assessment models" in Vereda la Hoya, Tunja, Colombia, S.A.
The successful PhD candidate will first develop a quantitative socioeconomic model of farmers' management decisions regarding pesticide application. Second, he/she will contribute to developing a sustainability assessment tool for evaluating farmers' strategies.
The candidate will be encouraged to develop within the frame of the project his/her own ideas within a highly motivated and interdisciplinary team.
The project is being performed in collaboration with the International Potato Center in Peru and several Universities in Colombia, S.A.
* Diploma in economics, agricultural or resource economics, economic geography
* Experience in econometric modeling, spatial econometrics or operations research (or interest to acquire the necessary knowledge)
* Languages: English, Spanish (German: working knowledge)
* Interest in inter- and transdisciplinary research
* Interest in questions regarding developing countries
Hard-copy applications, including two recommendation letters, and a copy and assessment of the Diploma thesis should be send to Prof. Dr. Claudia Binder, Social and Industrial Ecology, Department of Geography, Winterthurerstrasse 190, Universität Zürich, 8057 Zürich.
For questions please contact Prof. Dr. Claudia Binder, cbinder@geo.unizh.