Belgium: PhD Thesis Fellowship in Leukemia
Kategori: lowongan Beasiswa fellowship thesis/tesis/disertasi di belgia program doktor bidang leukemia
PhD Thesis Fellowship in Leukemia at Institut Bordet University of Brussels (ULB), Belgium
The laboratory of Experimental Hematology (Molecular Immunology Unit) located at the Institut Bordet has a full-time Télévie fellowship to perform doctoral thesis research (initially for two years with the possibility of renewal for a second two years) for an individual with a university diploma in the Biological or Biomedical Sciences. In addition, we seek an individual with experience in bioinformatics and knowledge of statistics and programming.
This research project centers on studies of T lymphoid disorders and hypereosinophilic syndrome. Our role in this interuniversity project is to study:
Beasiswa Indonesia Scholarship International diploma sekolah S1 S2 S3 dalam negeri dan luar negeri.
The molecular basis underlying the loss of T cell receptor surface expression and function in abnormal T lymphocytes.
The specific molecular mechanisms linked with the malignant progression of a clonal CD3-CD4+ T lymphocyte clone in patients with hypereosinophilic syndrome.
The techniques employed in the lab for our biological studies include cell culture, flow cytometry and cell sorting, and a wide range of standard molecular biology approaches including protein and nucleic acid extraction, PCR, RT-PCR, EMSA, transfection and transduction, cloning and site-directed mutagenesis, microarray analysis, Western blotting, etc. For data analysis statistical tests (parametric and non-parametric), clustering and class prediction are employed using R et C/C++ as programming languages.
This position is available from 1/11/2006.
The lab is composed of individuals from a diversity of countries and cultures, with English or French used as working languages.
Dr. Karen Willard-Gallo