APS 2006 Final Selection Results
Kategori: info hasil seleksi final Beasiswa APS 2006 Australia
List SUCCESSFUL APS Awardees 2006 (xls file)
As you know you are required to attend English for Academic Purposes (EAP) training. This will be undertaken by the Indonesia Australia Language Foundation (IALF) in Jakarta or Denpasar on behalf of AusA ID . Details of your EAP training are attached.
Beasiswa Indonesia Scholarship International diploma sekolah S1 S2 S3 dalam negeri dan luar negeri.
Please notice that you MUST attend your EAP training as scheduled. Failed to attend your training as scheduled will result in your automatic withdrawal from the scholarship. The training CAN NOT be deferred as this round will be the last round of EAP training conducted under APS program.
Formal letter to successful and unsuccessful candidates will be sent directly to their correspondence address by the end of October 2006.