Zonta International Amelia Earhart Fellowship Awards
Kategori: Beasiswa fellowship doktor s3 bidang sains dan teknik aerospace khusus wanita/perempuan
Closing date: 15-11-2006
Zonta International offers the Amelia Earhart Fellowship Awards, valued at US$6,000 each, for women pursuing graduate study in aerospace-related sciences and aerospace-related engineering.Women of any nationality pursuing a Ph.D./doctoral degree who demonstrate a superior academic record in the field of aerospace-related sciences and aerospace-related engineering are eligible.
Please note that defense-related and post-doctoral research programs are not
eligible for the Fellowship. Members and employees of Zonta International or the Zonta International Foundation are also not eligible to apply for the Fellowships.Applicants must also demonstrate a superior academic record with evidence of potential at a recognised university or college as verified by transcripts, recommendations and acceptance or verification by an institution of higher education with accredited courses in aerospace related studies, and, provide evidence of a well-defined research program in aerospace-related science or aerospace-related engineering as described in the application essay, research and publications, and, clearly demonstrate the relationship of your research to aerospace and furnish verification of your research program through at least one of the referees providing the recommendation required with the application.
Further information and application forms can be obtained from the website below.WWW address: http://www.zonta.org
Email address: Zontafdtn@Zonta.org