Karlsruhe Institut of Technology PhD Positions in Analysis and Numerical Math. 2
years Postdoc-position and
3 years PhD-positions in
Analysis and Numerical Mathematics (Maxwell`s equation, Schroedinger equation, Inverse Problems).
The Research Training Group 1294 of the German Research Foundation (DFG)"Analysis, Simulation and Design of Nanotechnological Processes" is organized by scientists of the department of mathematics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in cooperation with scientists of the Departments of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology and Physics.
The aim of this Research Training Group is the analysis, the simulation and the design of nanotechnological processes from a mathematical point of view. These topics will be treated as a complement and in interdisciplinary cooperation with the center for functional nanostructures (CFN) in Karlsruhe. Every project will concentrate on a mathematical aspect of a problem in nanotechnology in cooperation with a scientist in physics or engineering. The projects in the first period are mainly motivated by problems in nonlinear optics. In particular, photonic crystals will be investigated. In the analysis and the simulation of the partial differential equations which describe nanostructures several mathematical difficulties arise, e. g., the treatment of nonlinearities, simultaneous occurence of continuous and discrete spectrum, problems with multiple scales, and the ill-posedness of these problems.
Mail address:
DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 1294: "Analysis, Simulation und Design nanotechnologischer Prozesse"
Universität Karlsruhe
Prof. Dr. Willy Dörfler
76128 Karlsruhe
Coordinator of the Research Training Group: Prof. Dr. Willy Dörfler
Deputy Coordinator: Prof. Dr. A. Rieder, Prof. Dr. G. Schneider
Telephone: +49 721 608-8850
Fax: +49 721 608-6679
E-mail: willy.doerfler@kit.edu
Website link:
URL: http://www.math.kit.edu/grk1294/en
Labels: PhD Scholarship 2010, Post-Doc 2010, Scholarship In German