China Oxford Scholarship Fund 2010

Closing date
Application Deadline 2 (8 January 2010 for Medical Sciences and Philosophy students; 22 January 2010 for all other subjects) for admission to Oxford.
Please visit the COSF website for details of the deadline for completion of COSF's application form.
The China Oxford Scholarship Fund (COSF) was established in 1992 to provide a number of partial awards to students from China who have been accepted for postgraduate studies at Oxford and who will return and contribute to the future development of China after their studies. The exact number and value of the awards are published in spring each year. COSF is run by volunteers, and is completely independent of the University
- Nationality
Students who have permanent residency status in the People's Republic of China (including Hong Kong)
- Other criteria
Selection criteria include academic excellence, financial need, a confirmed place at Oxford, a commitment to contributing to the future of China, leadership qualities and a rounded personality
- Level of study
- Graduate degrees
- Subject
Varies for different awards
- Duration
One year
- Type of student
New students. Continuing Oxford students may also be considered but preference is given to students entering the UK for the first time.
- Value
Varies by award. In 2009-10 the awards varied from £1,000 to £25,000
- Number
Number of awards available varies each year. In 2009/10 there were twenty awards.
Application procedure
1) Apply at the same time as you apply to Oxford by selecting China Oxford Scholarship Fund in the Funding Section of the University's Graduate Application Form.
2) You must also apply to COSF for your application to be considered. Application forms and further information can be found on the COSF website.
- Results
We expect that COSF will notify successful candidates in July 2010
- About the donor
COSF draws on the support of a wide range of donors (both private and corporate), volunteers, and Oxford alumni. The Fund is seeking to establish permanent funding for future generations of Chinese scholars in Oxford by attracting donors with the vision to invest in China's future and by seeking out students of rare talent who would benefit from the Fund's help.
China Oxford Scholarship Fund
Labels: Graduate degrees Scholarship, Oxford Scholarship, Scholarship 2010