Sampoerna Foundation Scholarships for Indonesia students to study MBA in US, Singapore, UK, France, and Australia.

Sampoerna Foundation is a professional philanthropy organization and a service provider for Corporate Social Responsibility with a commitment to education. It was established in 2001 in response to the urgent need to improve the quality of education in Indonesia.
Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship
The Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship is a means to groom Indonesia’s future business leaders.
Sampoerna Foundation provides one (1) scholarship to pursue a Master’s of Business Administration degree at leading university overseas. Upon completing the program, the scholarship recipient is required to return to Indonesia and endeavor to transfer his/ her knowledge to his/ her fellow citizens.
I. Basic Eligibility
Applicant must satisfy ALL of the following conditions:
1. Indonesian citizen who is under 35 years of age when lodging the application.
2. Hold a local Bachelor’s degree from any discipline with a minimum Grade Point Average of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale).
3. Have a minimum of 2 year full-time professional work experience after the completion of the undergraduate degree.
4. Currently did not enroll in graduate or post-graduate program, or obtained a Master’s degree or equivalent.
5. Did not graduate from an overseas tertiary institution, unless was on a full scholarship.
6. Do not receive other equivalent award or scholarship offering similar or other benefits at the time of the award.
7. Has applied to the university(ies) that are recommended by Sampoerna Foundation for the academic year 2010/2011 by the closing date of this scholarship application (February 1, 2010).
8. Submit the result of TOEFL/ IELTS and GMAT with the minimum score as required by the chosen university.
9. Have motivation to return to Indonesia and work in Indonesia upon completion of the MBA program.
II. Further Requirements
Applicant also must:
1. Demonstrate leadership potential and interest in and commitment to community and national development.
2. Meet the requirements for obtaining a student visa of the designated country upon acceptance of the scholarship.
3. Comply with the application of the scholarship rules and regulations as stipulated by Sampoerna Foundation, partner institution for each respective program, and the university.
III. Nature of award
1. The scholarship covers the following:
* GMAT and TOEFL/ IELTS reimbursement, one time only, based on original invoice;
* University application fee, for up to 2 (two) universities;
* Student visa application fee;
* Return airfares from Jakarta to the place of study;
* Tuition fees, for the duration of study;
* Living allowance, to support living costs during period of study;
* Literature allowance, to purchase textbooks required for study.
2. The scholarship is intended for full-time/ regular class study only.
3. Scholarship recipient is not permitted to undertake any form of employment at any time during the course of study.
IV. Duration of Award
1. The scholarship is provided for a maximum of 2 (two) years, or otherwise as stated by the university.
2. The scholarship recipient is obliged to complete his/ her study within 2 (two) years. Failure to complete the study within this timeframe will result in a penalty imposed whereby the scholarship recipient must return 50% of the total amount of scholarship fund already disbursed.
3. Continuation of scholarship is subject to the scholar’s satisfactory academic and non-academic progress.
V. Employment
There is no obligation for the scholarship recipient or Sampoerna Foundation to engage in any form of future employment.
Sampoerna Foundation does not oblige scholarship recipient to work for Sampoerna Foundation and its affiliates or
supporting organizations.
However, upon completion of study, the scholarship recipient is required to return and work in Indonesia for 5 (five)
consecutive years to contribute the skills and knowledge gained from the MBA study for the development of the country.
Application deadline is February 1, 2010.
Sampoerna Foundation recommends the 2010 scholarship applicants to apply for admission to any of the following
Sampoerna Foundation MBA in the USA Scholarship
1. Harvard University – Boston, MA
2. Stanford University – Stanford, CA
3. Northwestern University (Kellogg) – Evanston, IL
4. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) – Philadelphia, PA
5. Massachusetts Institut of Technology (Wharton) – Cambridge, MA
6. University of Chicago (Booth) – Chicago, IL
7. University of California-Berkeley (Haas) – Berkeley, CA
8. Columbia University – New York, NY
9. Yale University – New Haven, CT
Australian Education International – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Australia Scholarship
1. Australian Graduate School of Management
2. Melbourne Business School
Ambassade de France en Indonésie – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in France Scholarship
British Council – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in the UK Scholarship
1. London Business School
2. University of Cambridge (Judge)
3. University of Oxford (Said)
Singapore Education – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Singapore Scholarship
1. National University of Singapore
2. Nanyang Technological University
Application package can be downloaded at Sampoerna Foundation’s website: Interested applicants who meet the requirements must complete and return the application package (application form & reference form) by the deadline (February 1, 2010) to Sampoerna Foundation office:
Sampoerna School of Education Building
Jl. Kapten Tendean No.88 C, 5th Floor
Jakarta Selatan 12710, Indonesia
Further Scholarship Information and Application (pdf)