PhD Scholarships in International Studies, University of
Trento 2007 in Italy

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School of International Studies,
University of Trento,
via Verdi 8/10,
I-38100 Trento,
This highly structured multidisciplinary programme is composed of a minimum of 200 hours of coursework. Students follow a common curriculum in International studies, methodology, research design and history, and attend advanced seminars in their major and minor subjects, chosen from amongst the disciplines of Economics, Law, and Politics & Society. The coursework is concentrated in the first year, with the third semester being devoted to the completion of the research proposal. At least one semester must be spent abroad for research.
The school invites applications across the whole range of disciplines comprising international studies but particularly encourages students who intend to carry out research in the following areas: European integration; post-1945 international and European history; multi-level governance, trans-Atlantic relations, trans-national crime, international criminal justice, international financial history, and comparative constitutionalism.
The programme is conducted entirely in English and will be taught by members of the university’s multi-national faculty. No tuition fees are charged and a number of fully funded three-year scholarships will be awarded to the top-ranked applicants. Scholarships will be augmented by 50% for authorised research periods spent abroad. At least 50% of the admitted candidates will be offered scholarships.
For the application forms and further details concerning the PhD programme, including the application procedures, please consult our website :