USA: Undergraduate Scholarship at College of Engineering
Kategori: Beasiswa s1 teknik di amerika texas
USA: Scholarships at College of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin
Most of the scholarships listed below are supported by corporations who have donated funds to the College of Engineering. You can apply for these scholarships online through the Engineering Scholarship Application.
QUALCOMM Diversity Scholarship
Beasiswa Indonesia Scholarship International diploma sekolah S1 S2 S3 dalam negeri dan luar negeri.
Electrical and Computer Engineering Major
Sophomore, Junior or Senior, Masters or PhD
Minimum GPA 3.25
Interest in the field of Wireless Communications
Preference for active, paid members of National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), Pi Sigma Pi, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) or Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
Deadline: November 1, 2006
To apply, please complete/update your Engineering Scholarship
Application and complete the Scholarship Essays for the "Qualcomm Diversity
Goldman Sachs Global Leaders Program
Distinguished themselves as leaders in their community or school
High academic standing as demonstrated by grades received in the final year of secondary school (high school) and first year in college or university
Candidates must have a minimum GPA of 3.4/4.0 or international equivalent, or be in the top 10% of his/her class
Full-time students in the second year of a university undergraduate degree program, during March 2007
Pursuing their first undergraduate degree (all fields of study accepted); and demonstrate competency in spoken and written English. Proficiency in English is necessary to participate fully in the Global Leadership Institute.
Interested students must complete the GSGLP information form and have a UT faculty or staff member sign the form to affirm the nomination
Criteria for selection include outstanding academic achievement, demonstrated leadership ability, excellent communication skills and interest in developing a global perspective on world events.
Deadline: December 12, 2006,
Information packets are available at the University Honors Center, Carothers 23, 471-6524 or
For more background information click here and to download a nomination form click here. Complete information on the program is available here
Columbia University Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) Presidential Distinguished Fellowships
Award each academic year for incoming Ph.D., Doctor of Engineering Science, and Masters/Ph.D. students
All applicants for admission will be considered for this outstanding fellowship opportunity
Deadline: December 15, 2006, priority admission application deadline
For any questions contact their office at 212-854-6438 or email
For more information and to apply online visit the Columbia University Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) Presidential Distinguished Fellowships
web site
This is a great part that if a person wants a scholarship, then he can apply online via the web. But this has been done only within USA, it must be within other countries also.
David Larson
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Anonymous, at 6:15 PM