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Saturday, July 29, 2006

Atsumi International Scholarship Foundation

Kategori: Beasiswa Jepang dari yayasan Atsumi Foundation untuk calon/kandidat doktor

Atsumi International Scholarship Foundation (AISF) offers scholarship to Ph.D candidates enrolled in the graduate schools located in the Kanto area in Japan.

(1)Eligibility requirements (All the following conditions must be satisfied).

1. A student from the world over with non-Japanese nationality who is enrolled in a graduate school in the Kanto area, and who is expecting to obtain his/her Ph.D. within the term of the AISF scholarship. This includes those who are enrolled in graduate school as researchers because of their going over the required period as a regular student, or because of their obtaining their Ph.D. from a foreign graduate school.

2. A student whose graduate school (or laboratory) and place of residence are in the Kanto area (Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama , Chiba, Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Gunma Prefectures)

3. A student who is interested in international understanding and friendship, and willing to participate in AISF sponsored activities.


1. Scholarship recipients are expected to visit the AISF office monthly to receive their scholarship stipend, and to report their progress.

2. AISF will sponsor gatherings which will give all recipients a chance to meet the directors, trustees and members of the selection committee. At the end of the academic year, recipients are also expected to report their progress at such a gathering.

3. AISF will sponsor a three day Rest and Relaxation Trip to Karuizawa in July.

4. Travel Grant for post-AISF students with Ph.D. Any Atsumi scholarship recipient who is awarded a Ph.D., will be eligible for a travel grant. This grant will cover transportation, lodging, and registration fees to attend a conference held abroad within one year of the recipient being awarded his/her Ph.D. If one lives abroad, the grant can be used to visit Japan.

(3)Scholarship Benefits and Conditions.

1. The monthly stipend will be 200,000 yen. AISF will award the scholarship to 12 students since 2000 fiscal year.

2. A scholarship will be awarded for one year (April through March). No extension will be granted.

3. The scholarship will be terminated in any of the following cases:

a. When a recipient is no longer registered in a Japanese graduate program.

b. Due to illness or any other reason when a recipient is forced to withdraw or cannot continue his/her school work.

c. If the supervising professor deems a recipient unqualified to continue his/her study or research.

d. If AISF finds a recipient involved in any unethical behavior.

e. When it is discovered that the applicant's written application form contains misleading or false information.

f. If AISF deems a recipient unqualified to continue his/her scholarship.


1. Application forms are available either at the appropriate foreign students scholarship office of each graduate school or at the AISF office from July 1st. It could also be printed out from this internet homepage from July 1st.

2. Applications are accepted by mail from September 1st up to the 30th.

(5)Selection Procedure.

After the preliminary selection and interview at the foundation office, final selection with an interview is made by our selection committee. All applicants and their schools will be informed of the results in late November.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Atsumi International Scholarship Foundation:
3-5-8 Sekiguchi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0014
Tel:03-3943-7612 Fax: 03-3943-1512

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