Kategori: Beasiswa APS Australia program pascasarjana / master
Australian Leadership Awards 2007 application forms now available below
Applications for scholarships open 1 May 2006
Applications for scholarships close 31 July 2006
Successful applicants advised by 1 October 2006
Scholarship study must begin in Australia in calendar year 2007
Information on Fellowships will be available in August 2006
What are Australian Leadership Awards?
Australian Leadership Awards (ALA) is a new award under which the Australian Government offers scholarships and fellowships for current and future leaders from the Asia-Pacific Region.
Australian Leadership Awards provide exceptional educational opportunities in Australia. They are awarded to people who are already leaders or have a potential to assume leadership roles that can influence social and economic policy reform and development outcomes, both in their own countries and in the Asia and Pacific region.
Australian Leadership Awards provide scholarships for longer-term post-graduate study at masters or doctoral level and fellowships for short-term research, study or professional attachments. They will bring around 3200 scholars and fellows in the five years from 2006-2011 to study in Australia.
Managed by AusAID as part of Australia's overseas aid program, Australian Leadership Awards are open only to citizens of countries in the region that have a current Australian aid program.
The Awards will be available to present and future leaders and personnel in corporate, academic, non-government and government services.
How do I apply?
Guidelines and application form are available here:
Guidelines [PDF 98KB]
Application form [PDF 70KB]
Application form [Word 589KB]
Has anybody applied for this scholarship? I have applied and curretnly waiting for the result. Please share your experience.
Anonymous, at 7:50 PM