Lifelong Learning at Erasmus Mundus European Masters

* a good first degree (humanities or social sciences) from a recognised institution of higher education
* a satisfactory level of spoken and written English: IELTS 7.0 and TOEFL 650 (written paper test)
The Master of Lifelong Learning seeks to form professionals able to:
* Design and develop educational policies concerned with Lifelong Learning
* Promote innovation processes within Lifelong Learning systems suited to the social and organisational contexts in which they are to be undertaken, so as to facilitate change and social transformation
* Develop competences required in order to mediate between the educational community and the needs of the local environment
* Advise organisations on the planning, implementing, evaluating, supervising and control of training mechanisms in Lifelong Learning
* Take part in the new developments and reforms taking place in Europe in accordance with the Bologna and Copenhagen process
* Integrate ICT and e-learning as a tool in educational programmes etc.
Application procedure
# All interested applicants should submit following documents: student application form (incl. photo)
# certified copy of 1st degree
# IELTS/TOEFL certificate
# CV
# letter of recommendation (reference)
# qualification essay
For application forms, please contact the Consortium Office at
More detailed info about scholarship offer
European Masters in Lifelong Learning