Expected Application Deadline:
15 October 2009CREAM is offering a total of 20 Ph.D. positions and 3 postdoctoral positions, which will be formally advertised in September 2009 with expected start dates in late 2009 or early 2010. CREAM is an EC funded Initial Training Network of 13 partner organisations and 9 associated partner organisations from 9 European countries. The partners in CREAM represent the main sectors involved in chemical risk assessment (industry, academia,regulatory authorities) and who are interested in exploring how mechanistic effect models can add value to the risk assessment process. The overall aim of CREAM is to develop and experimentally validate a suite of mechanistic effect models that are based on Good Modelling Practice. CREAM will provide world class training for the next generation of ecological modellers, emphasizing transparency and rigorous model evaluation as core elements of the modelling process.
We are looking for candidates with experience in one or more of the following areas: population ecology; ecotoxicology; ecological risk assessment; ecological modelling; programming.
Salary and terms of employment will be in accordance with Marie Curie rules of the European Commission (http://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/careers_en.htm). According to these rules, applicants must be nationals of a member state, associated country or third country. They must be nationals of a country other than that of the premises of the host organisation where they will carry out their project. Researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc) in the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the date of selection by the host institution (short stays such as holidays are not taken into account).
Applicants should send CV, list of publications, reprints of relevant publications, copies of academic transcripts, two letters of reference including contact information of the referees, and a one-page statement of applicant`s expected contribution to and benefit from participation in CREAM. Applicants should clearly indicate (preferably indicating priority of preference) for which CREAM project(s) they would like to be considered.
Applications should be sent by email to volker.grimm@ufz.de.
Details on the projects are described on the corresponding webpages of this site. Details on the job announcements are linked to pages desribing the project partners (see also the overview table below).
Potentially interested applicants are encouraged to contact the relevant partners prior to formally submitting an application. Positions are subject to funding.
Labels: Beasiswa PhD, PhD 2009, PhD Scholarship