PhD Position in Modeling and Control of an Electron Microscope, Eindhoven University of Technology at Netherland

Required: MSc in mathematics, physics, electrical engineering, systems and control, or a related field. The applicant should have good analytical and modeling skills as well as good communication skills.
Research topic: Modeling and control of an electron microscope. The research will concentrate on image analysis. From observed images we aim to reconstruct the geometry of the observed entity as well as the (or some) control settings of the microscope.
The ultimate goal is to automate the electron microscope’s controls for inserted specific specimen under, in order to get focused, astigmatic etc. images without the aid of the user. The research includes the modeling how the image depends on the microscope’s controls and specimen as well as the related optimization to match desired images. The microscope can be modeled based on FEM direct computations or database based interpolations. Just as the specimen all should be modeled in such a representation that calculations can take place as fast as possible. Iterative and non-linear solution techniques will be exploited to get an efficient optimization procedure.
Applications should be addressed to: r.m.m.mattheij[ at ]
Please include: Presentation letter; Curriculum Vitae; List of MSc. Grades; List of people for recommendation.
Starting date: As soon as possible.
The salary is conforming the Dutch VSNU salary scale for PhDs.
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Labels: Scholarship in Netherland