Postgraduate Research Awards 2007, School of Pharmacy in UK
Postgraduate Research Awards 2007, School of Pharmacy Queens University BelfastPostgraduate Research Awards 2007 Medicine, Health & Life Sciences School of Medicine & Dentistry, School of PharmacyQueen's University Belfast is a broadly based research-driven university with a dynamic world class research and education portfolio, and strong international connections.
Funding is available for a number of awards through the Department for Employment & Learning (DEL), including Collaborative Awards in Science and Technology (CAST), Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme (ORSAS) and the European Social Fund (ESF), for postgraduate students commencing in October 2007. University Studentships will be allocated for international students in key research areas in realisation of its internationalisation strategy. Awards will be made on a selective basis to areas of research priority in Schools, and will be available on a competitive basis to the best-qualified candidates. Full details are available on the website at
School of Medicine & Dentistry: Clinical & Population Sciences; Respiratory Medicine; Oral Science & Health Care.
School of Pharmacy: Molecular Therapeutics; Pharmaceutical Science & Practice.
Individual awards vary but cover fees and a minimum maintenance allowance of £12,600 per annum. Applicants must have, or expect to obtain, at least a 2.1 honours degree or equivalent; ORSAS applicants are expected to have a first class honours degree or equivalent.
The closing date for receipt of all applications is Wednesday 14th February 2007. Applications are invited to be made electronically at
For further information about research areas, please visit the relevant school web-sites.
Further details of these can be found at or telephoning the Postgraduate Office on 028 9097 2585